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09 Extraordinary Girl

She's an extraordinary girl,
In an ordinary world,
And she can't seem to get away

He lacks the courage in his mind,
Like a child left behind,
Like a pet left in the rain

She's all alone again,
Wiping the tears from her eyes

Somedays he feels like dying,
She gets so sick of crying

She sees the mirror of herself,
An image she wants to sell,
To anyone willing to buy

He steals the image in her kiss,
>From her hearts apocalypse,
>From the one called whatsername

She's all alone again,
Wiping the tears from her eyes

Somedays he feels like dying
She gets so sick of crying

She's all alone again,
Wiping the tears from her eyes

Somedays he feels like dying
Somedays it's not worth trying,
Now that they both are finding,
She gets so sick of crying

She's an extraordinary girl,
an extraordinary girl,
an extraordinary girl,
an extraordinary girl.
Категория: American Idiot (2004) | Добавил: polina123 (27.05.2010)
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Категории раздела
1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours (1991) [0]
Kerplunk (1992) [0]
Dookie (1994) [0]
Insomniac (1995) [14]
Nimrod (1997) [17]
Warning (2000) [12]
Shenanigans (2002) [13]
American Idiot (2004) [13]
21st Century Breakdown (2009) [18]
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Lady GaGa Space Cowboy Disco Heaven Avril Lavigne The Best Damn Thing Karaoke Fame Медиаторы Remix Under My Skin Katy Perry Pink green day
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